What are "Resources" in Moodle?
Moodle "resources" refer to different content types or structures that instructors can use within Moodle.
Resources include:
- Moodle Book - Multi-page resources with a book-like format that instructor can build using various types of content.
- File - An image, a pdf document, a spreadsheet, a sound file, a video file, etc.
- Folder - A tool for organizing individual files together. Subfolders can be added within folders for further grouping of files.
- IMS content package - Materials from outside sources that use the standard IMS content package format - these are "static" materials that do not track completion or grading.
- Label - A tool for displaying a bit of text or an image directly on the main page of the course. Often used as a header to divide content or as an easy wat to post a quick message on the course front page.
- Page - A single page/screen that can be used to display content such as text, images, embedded videos, links, etc. This is a good way to add a collection of content such as weblinks or videos to help streamline the main course page.
- URL - Allows instructors to set up a link to website.
With editing turned on, an instructor can add resources via the "Add an activity or resource" link.
Learn more about Moodle resources