What are Moodle Blocks and how can I use them in my course?
Moodle Blocks are items which may be added to the right side of any page in Moodle. Pre-built blocks include many useful functions such as the Calendar, QuickMail, Upcoming events, and others. Several integrated services such as textbook publisher sites also have associated blocks that must be added to the course. The HTML block can be used to add content such as text, images, widgets, Twitter feeds, and more to help personalize your course.
Learn more about blocks and how to add them to your Moodle courses.
This site gives a list of all available blocks, so you can explore the options.
(Keep in mind when using Moodle Blocks, that they do not appear on the Moodle mobile app, and may be pushed to the bottom of the page on when using web browsers on phones, tablets, and other narrow screens.)