How can I evaluate student's work in Moodle using a Rubric or Grading guide?
Rubrics and Grading guides (also called Marking guides) are advanced grading methods available in Moodle that allow instructors to provide feedback and grades based on specific criteria.
Rubrics in Moodle
Rubrics allow the instructor to create a set of criteria with different levels of success related to a point value. Each level of each criterion is worth a specific point value rather than a range as might be seen in other rubrics. When using the rubric, the instructor selects the level with its set point value (rather than typing in points).
Grading Guides in Moodle
Grading guides allow the instructor to create a list of criteria with each criterion having a maximum value. This allow instructors the flexibility of typing in a specific point value (up to the maximum) for each criterion. Grading guides also allow the creation of a set of frequently used comments that can be added to student feedback.
Both Rubrics and Grading Guides can be saved as templates and used across classes.