How can I use the Sharing Cart to move content from one course section to another?


The Moodle Sharing Cart is a tool that allows instructors from one course into another. Basically, you can copy items into the Cart in one course, and copy the items from the Cart into a second course. You can copy individual items, resources, activities and even an entire section (tile, week, topic).

Here is how you can easily move items or whole sections of your course page from one course to another:

  1. Go into the course where the content you need is currently listed.
  2. Turn editing on, and scroll down to the bottom of the lefthand menu and click Add a Block. (If you do not see the lefthand menu, click the three stacked lines icon at the top left of your course page to unhide the menu.)
  3. Select Sharing Cart from the Add a block list.
  4. The Sharing Cart block will appear on the right side of your main course page. (Usually as the very last block on the right, but occasionally higher up.) You will notice once the block is added that you see little basket icons to the right of every item and section on your course page. 
  5. Click the basket icon to the right of the item you want to copy into the cart. A copy of the item will appear in the cart. (If you are copying a page section, it will appear as a folder icon n the Cart.)
  6. Once you have added all the items you need into the Sharing Cart, go to the class into which you want to add these items.
  7. Repeat the process (steps 1-3) to add the Sharing Cart into the class.
  8. In the Sharing Cart block, click the duplicate icon (stacked boxes) to the right of the item you want to place in the course. You will see a dotted line box appear in each section on the course page.
  9. Click the dotted line box in the section where you want the item to appear. The item will appear in the selected location. You can move it as usual within that page section once it appears.

NOTE:  If you are copying an entire page section (tile, week, topic), you will need to add it to a blank section of your course page as it will overwrite the tile, week, topic section it is being copied into. You may see a section conflict message that asks you to choose how you want the overwrite to occur. ***Be careful not to overwrite a section that contains content.***

  • Last Updated Dec 15, 2022
  • Views 257
  • Answered By Jessica Hall

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