Why are the Course Total grades calculating incorrectly for some of my students?
If you type a grade into the Course Total column -- or any other column that actively calculates grade -- an override is set for that grade, even if you erase the grade. If this happens, the grade area for that student may be orange or yellow. (Grades in a gray row will not change to orange or yellow.)
To remove the override flag:
1. Go to the main Gradebook screen (the Grader report view).
2. Click the pencil icon beside the title of the Course Total grade column. This will take you to the Single View page for that column.
3. Uncheck the box in the Override column on the right side of the screen for the grade that is overridden. (At the top of the Override column, you can select "None" if you wish to remove all overrides in the column.)
4. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.