How do I add the QuickMail Email tool to Moodle?


Moodle has an email tool called QuickMail.


To add the email tool to your Moodle course:

1. On the main course content area in your Moodle course, click the Turn editing on button in the upper right corner to enter editing mode.

2. Scroll down the page and click the Add a block button at the bottom of the lefthand menu.

3. Select Quickmail from the Add a block list. The Quickmail block will appear on the righthand side of the course page (usually near the bottom).


If you want students to be able to use the QuickMail tool to send emails from the class:

1. Click on the Configuration link at the bottom of the QuickMail block.

2. Select Yes for Allow students to use QuickMail. (Do not make any other changes.)

3. Click Save preferences. Then click the course title at the top of the screen to go back to the main page of your course.

  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 209
  • Answered By George Warriner

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