How can I add a Welcome message or other announcements to my course page in Moodle?


There are several popular options for adding a Welcome message to a Moodle course page.

  • Post the message in the Announcements tool.
    The Announcements tool is designed for course announcements and messages. Assuming your course is not hidden from students, any message you post here will be sent as an email to everyone listed in your Participants list in the course. The messages will also be posted in the Announcements list, so if students click on the Announcements link, they will see the items listed with the most recent at the top. The Announcements tool should appear automatically at the top of your course page.
  • Add a message in a Label.
    A Label in Moodle includes a single textbox that allows you to add text, images, embedded multimedia, etc. that will appear directly on the front page of your course. Like other items in the course, the Label includes a Move icon that will let you move the Label out of the way when you are done with it. For example, you can create a Welcome message in a Label, and then after the course is underway hide the Label and move it to a storage section at the bottom of your course. This allows you to save the message and edit and reuse it in future semesters. With editing turned on, you can add a Label through the Add an activity or resource link on the course page.
  • Add a message in the Description box in the top section of the course page.
    The top section of your course page is a static (unmovable) section that can be used to post a message directly at the top of the page. With editing turned on, you can click the Edit for the top section of the screen, select Edit section, and then type your message into the Summary textbox. You can come back into the message to remove or update it later.
  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 181
  • Answered By George Warriner

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