Can I change the Availability dates for multiple items on one screen?


Moodle offers a Dates Report that lists dates for all course activities and allows instructors to update activity dates from the list.

To access the Dates Report:

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the main course page.
  2. Select More... from the end of the dropdown menu. This takes you into the Course Administration area.
  3. Click the Reports tab and select Dates from the list. 
  4. You can select an Activity type from the dropdown menu on the left to see all the instances of a specific activity such as Assignments, Click the Expand all link on the right to expand all the sections below.  
  5. Change the dates as needed. (Don't forget to change the year, if you are changing dates to start the Spring semester.)
  6. Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen. 

NOTE: At the bottom of the screen is a Timeline that shows when course items are due. After you save changes, come back to view this timeline for a quick way to doublecheck your dates.

  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 20
  • Answered By George Warriner

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