How do a drop the lowest Grade in Moodle?
You can drop the lowest grade(s) from any grade category in Moodle. For example, you can drop the lowest grade(s) from a Quiz category.
To drop the lowest grade from a grade category in Moodle:
- Go to the Gradebook and click the Setup tab at the top of the Gradebook.
- Click the Edit link to the right of the Category folder (Quizzes in this example), and select Edit settings.
- Under the Grade category section, click the Show more link.
- In the “Drop the lowest” textbox, type a 1 to drop the lowest grade. (Type a 2 to drop the two lowest grades, etc.)
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: Keep in mind, if you try to drop the lowest grade from the main Course total category, it may drop an entire subcategory. If you are using subcategories for your grade calculations, it is recommended that you only set "drop the lowest" within subcategories.