How can I submit a Turnitin Assignment on behalf of my student?


Occasionally, students may have difficulty submitting an assignment into Turnitin. An instructor is able to submit a Turnitin assignment in Moodle on behalf of a student.

**Before attempting to submit the student's file, check to make sure the Due date/time of the assignment has not passed.** If the Due date/time has passed, the  date/time must be changed to a future date/time.

To submit the Turnitin assignment:

  1. Click the assignment n the main page of the course. The Submission Inbox will appear. Students will be listed on the lower part of the page.
  2. To the far right of the student's name, click the cloud/arrow icon.
  3. Give the paper a Submission Title.
  4. Click the small paper icon in the File to Submit area to upload the file (or drag and drop the file into the upload area).
  5. Click Add submission.
  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 309
  • Answered By George Warriner

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