How can I see my students' view of their Grades?
Moodle calls the student view of grades the "User report."
To see the User report:
- Go the main Gradebook screen.
- Click the User report tab in the second row of tabs at the top of the screen. Initially, you will see a basic empty User report.
- To see actual student views with grades included, select the student from the "Select all or one user" dropdown.
To change what students see on the User report:
- Click on the Setup tab in the Gradebook.
- Click the Course grade settings tab in the second row.
- Scroll down the page to the User report section.
- Hide/Show the information you want for your student view.*
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen.
*Some recommendations:
- Hide Contribution to course total - this number tends to cause confusion.
- Hide weights if you do not specifically need students to understand how items are weighted.
- Leave the "Hide totals" item on the default setting.