How can I see my students' view of their Grades?


Moodle calls the student view of grades the "User report."  

To see the User report:

  1. Go the main Gradebook screen.
  2. Click the User report tab in the second row of tabs at the top of the screen. Initially, you will see a basic empty User report. 
  3.  To see actual student views with grades included, select the student from the "Select all or one user" dropdown.

To change what students see on the User report:

  1. Click on the Setup tab in the Gradebook.
  2. Click the Course grade settings tab in the second row. 
  3. Scroll down the page to the User report section.
  4. Hide/Show the information you want for your student view.*
  5. Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen.

*Some recommendations:

  • Hide Contribution to course total - this number tends to cause confusion.
  • Hide weights if you do not specifically need students to understand how items are weighted.
  • Leave the "Hide totals" item on the default setting.
  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 97
  • Answered By George Warriner

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