How can I Restrict Access to an item to one or more specific students?


The Restrict access setting in Moodle allows the instructor to set specific release criteria for any resource or activity in Moodle. Restrict access can be used to show items only to specific users, or based on other criteria such as grades in specific grade columns, dates, and more. The settings available depend on the specific activity or resource.

NOTE: Restrict access settings restrict access to the item link. Settings will allow you to show the link, but make it inaccessible, or to hide the link entirely.
NOTE: Restrict access is not the same as the availability dates for items such as tests and discussions. Use with care when using the regular availability dates. Restrict access overrides availability dates.

  1. Go the Edit settings for the item you wish to restrict.
  2. On the settings screen, click Restrict access near the end of the settings page.
  3. Click Add restriction.
  4. Select User Profile to restrict to specific user(s).
  5. Click the eye to the left of the setting. (This will hide the link from everyone except the one(s) you are setting it for.) Leave the eye unclicked it you want to the link itself to remain visible it will still be inaccessible to anyone not meeting the criteria you set.
  6. Choose email address from the dropdown list.
  7. Add the email address in the third field.
  8. If you need to add an addition user, 
    1. Click the "Add restriction" button to create a second row of fields
      1. Change the "Student must match" setting from "ALL" to "ANY." 
      2. Add the second student's information in the second row.
    2. Click "Save and return" to course at the bottom.
    3. On the main page of the course, the item should say "Restricted" and indicate that it is available to just to the one person. If it says "Hidden," you may need to click the Edit to the right of the item and set it to Show. It will only be visible for the one person it is restricted to.

      Visit this site for more detailed information on your options for Restrict access settings.
  • Last Updated Feb 22, 2023
  • Views 92
  • Answered By George Warriner

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