Why can’t my students post to my Q&A forum?


If you are using the Q&A forum type, you will need to create the first post in the forum. Students will then be able to Reply to your post. 

Students will not have access to a button to post a topic as you might be used to in the other forum types; students can only reply to a thread you start. They will not be able to start separate threads in the discussion. Also, be sure to remind students that they will not see other student posts until 30 minutes after they make their first post. (30 minutes is the editing time Moodle allows students to make changes to their posts, before they are "permanent.")

To make the first post, click the "Add a new question" button, and create your post. (Students will not see this button from their side.)

  • Last Updated Feb 22, 2023
  • Views 43
  • Answered By George Warriner

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