What are best practices for creating a Moodle course that works well on the Mobile app?


The Moodle mobile app can be a great tool for using Moodle on the go, especially at times when we need to be away from campus due to inclement weather or other situations.

Most of the basics Moodle functions work well on the Moodle mobile app, but some activities may be less functional.
Best practices for good Moodle mobile experience:

  • Use the Topics or Weekly format for your course structure.
  • Don't use direct links to activities. They will work, but they are more difficult to navigate.
  • Do not put important information in blocks (right side of your Moodle course), as these blocks will not display on the mobile app.
  • Test your course on the mobile app to make sure your students can see and use everything they need to. If some features are not functional on the app, let your students know they will need to access these features from a web browser on their mobile device.

Visit this page to learn more best practices for building a mobile-friendly course site.

You can find the list of activities supported by the app in the Moodle Mobile features page. 

  • Last Updated Feb 22, 2023
  • Views 21
  • Answered By George Warriner

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